Raw Milk Montana
Your best source for information on raw milk in Montana!
How to find milk
If you are looking for milk in Montana, please fill out the contact form below. If you live in a smaller and/or remote town, include the name of a larger town you are willing to drive to in order to get milk. If you don't hear back within 24 hours, check your spam folder.
By using this free service, you understand that no vetting of producers or their products has taken place and that it is your responsibility to do your due diligence for what you purchase. We recommend asking to see the producer's milk test results (somatic cell, coliform, standard plate count) that they are required to submit twice a year, as well as negative Brucellosis once a year.
NOTE: Winter milk supply can be low to nonexistent as most producers dry off their animals for "maternity leave," so if you are requesting milk during this time, know that you may need to get on a wait list for Spring.
Please consider donating for this free service. Even just $10 or $20 helps. We at RMM have volunteered thousands of unpaid hours since 2012 working on legislation, going to the state legislature twice a session for four sessions, paying for educational materials, countless hours at farmers markets and grocery stores handing out information, running two Facebook pages and an email account for action alerts and answering questions, connecting people daily with milk sources, maintaining a producer spreadsheet encompassing the entire state, and creating and paying for a web page monthly. We thought the load would lighten, but instead it has grown. Donations are not tax deductible. The Donate Now button remains after you send your contact information.