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How to provide milk

If you are a producer wanting to be on our producer list, see “Producer Resources” to learn a brief summary of the guidelines for testing, labeling, where you can sell milk; link to the bill language; recommendations for testing kits with discounts for shipping; recommendations for Facebook resources, helpful websites and books on milk production with discounts and more.


To be on the producer spreadsheet to be connected with people looking for milk in your area, fill out the contact form below.  If you live in a smaller, rural town, please additionally provide the name of the nearest larger town and if you deliver.  If you don't receive a response within 24 hours, please check your spam folder.

If you stop selling milk (temporarily or permanently), increase your price or move, you need to notify us directly so we can update the information we send out.

We send you customers the day they request milk in your area, even when animals are dried off during winter (with an explanation that they may need to get on a wait list for spring).  We have around 115 producers and get multiple requests daily for milk around the state.  We don't have the resources to keep track of delayed referrals.  You will need to let potential buyers know if/when milk will be available.  We give customers all options for producers in their area and they choose when to contact which producers.

Goat producers:  About 85% or more of the requests we receive are people looking for cow milk, though about half of our approximately 115 producers have goats.  We try to encourage goat milk when we can.  Some people will take any raw milk available in their area if supply is short.  Word of mouth seems most successful for goat milk, though we do periodically get people looking for it exclusively.  

Please consider donating for this free service.  Even just $20 helps.  We at RMM have volunteered thousands of unpaid hours since 2012 working on legislation, going to the state legislature twice a session for four sessions, paying for educational materials, many hours at farmers markets and grocery stores handing out information, running two Facebook pages and an email account for action alerts and answering questions, connecting people with milk sources, maintaining a producer spread sheet encompassing the entire state, and creating and paying for a web page monthly.  We thought the load would lighten, but instead it has grown.  Donations are not tax deductible.  The Donate Now button remains after you have sent your information in the contact form below.


Thanks for submitting!

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